Inaa Lilaahi wa inaa Ilaahi raajicuun

    Inaa Lilaahi wa inaa Ilaahi raajicuun! 

  ALAHA AH U NAXARIISTO Mohamed Rashid Aden Abdula
Marxuum Maxamed Rashiid Aden Abdulle oo maanta lagu aasay atlanta georgia.Inaa Lilaahi wa inaa Ilaahi raajicuun!  Dhamaan Garre Community of Atlanta, Seattle, USA, Keyan, Somalia and Ethiopia waxaan halkaan tacsi uga gudbinayaa dhamaan qoyska reer Mohamed Rashid Aden Abdula iyo Dhaman besha Garre mel kasto ay joogaan Ethiopia, Kenya iyo Somalia, geeridii  ee ku timid Mohamed Rashid oo loo yaqano “ABBOKO”  Manta 06 August 2013 uu ku geeryoodey isago Joogaa Magalada Atlanta, Georgia, USAWaxaan leeynahay dadkii uu kageeryoodeyna samir iyo iimaan alla haka siiyo.  Amin, amin.

It is a sad day to hear and witness the death of our brother, our friend and lifelong public servant, Mohamed Rashid Aden Abdula. He was a relentless fighter for what he believes in.

The Gharri people have lost a one of a kind son, brother, father, uncle, Nephew, cousin, friend, and genuine compatriot. He was a real man and one of the best people among the Gharri people in his generation. He was also a teacher and above all, he was undoubtedly a compassionate news makers and model Gharri citizen.

We will all miss him dearly and may Allah bless his soul and offer him the best after life, and offer his loved once ease their sorrow and also, may he rest in peace

Sept. 06, 2013 by Gur Gharri GSG News contributor


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